Here is a quick, last-minute homemade Valentine's Day treat for you. I used to be a first grade I can relate to the zillions of lollipops, conversation hearts, and Pixy Sticks teachers all over the United States will have piled on their desks tomorrow. I wanted to make something for my kids' teachers that they might enjoy more than a Fun Dip Valentine so I planned to make some Oreo Truffles, because who doesn't love those? But Robbie's teacher has been doing Weight Watchers very successfully and I didn't want to throw her off so I made these. So. much. easier. than making Oreo Truffles! If you make a quick Wal-Mart run for pretzel rods and pink candy melts you could whip out these cute little treats in 20 minutes!
Dipped Pretzel Rods
idea from A place for Amy
1 bag pretzel rods
1 bag candy melts, whatever color you like
foil or wax paper
Break the rods in half and set aside. Put 1/2-3/4 of the candy melts in a glass bowl and melt according too directions. Put a sheet of foil or wax paper out on the counter. Once the chocolate is melted pour it into a short glass or small coffee cup to make dipping easier. Dip each pretzel and lay on the wax paper to harden. Put on the sprinkles as desired. I wrapped up five dipped pretzel halves in a cellophane bag with a scrap paper tag and some ribbon I had lying around...and easy as can be, done!

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